Your yearbook theme is a big deal. It unifies the story of the year and gives it a unique personality. A theme can be a design idea, concept or story that is carried from cover to cover.
There is a variety of ways a theme can be applied throughout the book.
Try to creatively set your slogan to type and create a logo you can use throughout the book. Use type styles and a design that conveys the meaning, tone or style of the theme. (Example below designed with AYT Yours Truly, AYT Brave & AYT Palladio fonts in our online page builder.)

Use colors on your cover and pages that take advantage of obvious color opportunities in themes such as “Can’t hide that Purple & Gold pride”
If art is used on the cover, it can be repeated or adapted inside the book. (Example below of School Annual Shooting Star predesigned cover with matching clipart.)

Lines, textures and screens can help emphasize specific areas within designs.
Use selected fonts only to enhance the theme, but make sure body copy is simple and legible.
Have fun with your photos to help give the theme a unique look.

- Why do you think this theme is best for this year?
- Can you visually depict this theme from cover to cover?
- Does your theme lend itself to a simple marketing plan where the theme statement is in the leading pitch?
- This will be the theme you will be working with for the rest of the year. Do you think you can love it for the duration?
- Most importantly: Is this theme relevant to your student body, and will it have mass appeal?
Deciding on a theme can be a somewhat long and involved process. But having this unified ‘thread’ that brings your book together will make it all worth it.