It’s not about the camera
You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars on a camera to take great photos. It’s not about the camera—it’s about the eye behind it. Any camera can take an incredible image if captured correctly and shot from a telling perspective.
Pay attention
This might sound obvious, but sometimes photographers get stuck looking into the camera’s viewfinder and miss important moments. Always be aware of your surroundings so you can anticipate what will happen next. Look for action, expression in faces and posture. These all contribute to the full story.

Include the ‘full picture’
Not to be confusing, but a photojournalist always captures the entire moment. The image gives an overview of the story. The photo should have context to it. This means you’re probably not focused on one individual or element. You capture the entire scene to help illustrate the story.

Prepare for the big moment
Natural lighting
When possible, shoot these story-telling moments in natural light. It comes off as more, well, natural! You capture the raw environment. Understandably, there may be times when you use studio lights or flash in dark situations. Use natural light when it’s possible. Your photo will feel real, authentic and portray the true environment.

Be bold
Candid moments
A candid photo captures the real moment without posing, staging or placing your subjects. Let them react. Let them move. Keep the moment real and your photo will look and feel authentic.