Thinking about fundraising for your yearbook is a year-round task. If that subject makes you cringe, you are not alone. Fundraising may seem like an oxymoron because most of us do not find fundraising to be FUN. The objective is to raise money without driving ourselves crazy. Check out our five yearbook fundraising ideas below to help make money for your yearbook program.
Baby Pictures
One simple way to do this is to sell yearbook ads to parents of your graduating class (5th, 8th, or 12th). Parents love to brag on their kids and some even like to include baby pictures too! To set up this program, be sure to first allocate some pages in your yearbook to baby ads. Then, create a flyer that can be placed on your school website as well as a print version to send home with your students. Enforce a deadline so you can also meet your yearbook deadlines and offer parents several page size options so they have a price range that fits their budget. Have parents turn in their ad text and images to you via email, then you create the ad.
Car Wash
A good old fashioned car wash is always a good idea for a fundraiser. Make some money for the yearbook by hosting a car wash at the school. The school will likely have some supplies that you may need. Tap into those resources, so you can save some money on the cost of your fundraiser. Send flyers home with students, letting their parents know about the car wash. In addition, create signs to attract cars.
Holidays are also the perfect opportunity to get creative with your fundraising. You can sell candy grams that are delivered to students based around a holiday theme. Send a flower with a note for Valentine’s Day or green carnations for St. Patrick’s Day. This is a great way for a secret admirer to show someone they are thinking about them or for friends to let each other know how much their friendship means.
Local Businesses
Don’t forget your local businesses and your school business partners. They can have their cards advertised in the book for a nominal fee. Again, use a variety of size options to accommodate various budgets.
Host a Movie Night
Use your school’s gym or lawn to host a movie night to raise money for the yearbook! Rent or find a children’s movie, and sell tickets to raise money. Provide pizza, popcorn, drinks, snacks and games to do and consume before the movie. Encourage students and parents to dress in PJs and bring lawn chairs to kick up the movie night even more!
Fundraising doesn’t have to be a huge endeavor and a little creativity can go a long way. Every little bit helps to support your yearbook, you just need a little inspiration and a few volunteers to make this a success.

Has been involved with yearbook since 1994 and has been working with School Annual for over 20 years!
Is involved with Discovery Education, DEN STAR, Teach4Learning TIE, MIE (Microsoft Innovative Educator) and much much more!
Lives in Kissimmee, FL as a Digital Video Teacher.
“Sponsoring the yearbook club at the elementary level and having a sleepover in the media center to work on the yearbook all night with the students has been the best yearbook memory.”